Slow Fashion - what does it mean?

Slow Fashion – it gets talked about a lot nowadays, but what does it actually mean?  If you’re like me when I first heard the term, I thought it meant you lived slowly and presently in your clothes – which I still think is a great idea and appropriate for our clothing, but if you keep reading – you’ll find it is so much more than that.

Slow fashion is an awareness and approach to fashion, which considers the processes and resources required to make clothing, particularly focusing on sustainability. It involves buying better-quality garments that will last longer and values fair treatment of people, animals and the planet.  This is exactly what we stand for at The Wannabe Nomads!  We want the very best for our children in this growing climate of fast fashion, let's slow it down.

Ethical production at The Wannabe Nomads means those who produce our work are not taken advantage of, have high quality work standards and are rewarded appropriately for their time and effort. Our production house provides a healthy and safe working environment for their workers - the relationships they have built with their workers mean they are like family.  We also contribute to providing good living wages to workers in order to help reduce poverty, create sustainable communities, and minimise our environmental impact.

Our clothes are all made by people, for people.  It shows in our clothes, you can see the love and quality in each and every piece.

Our belief in fair trade values means we are working towards building partnerships so we can all grow together. We are committed to ethics and ensuring garment workers are paid and treated fairly.  We are so incredibly proud to stand by this and we know it might make our clothes a little more expensive than our competitors, but we believe our pieces are guilt free, you can buy and know you are helping bring good into this world, one garment at a time.

Much love, Liz x


1 comment

The most ethical decision you can make!

Lana Murpy January 06, 2024

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